With Medical Elite™ you can enjoy exclusive and exceptional VIP benefits with worldwide coverage.

Maximum Benefit• $10,000,000 per Insured, per Policy Year
Eligibility to Apply• From 18 to 74 years old
Renewal• Lifetime guarantee
Coverage• Worldwide. Flexibility to choose doctors and hospitals anywhere in the world
Private and Semi-Private room• 100%
Intensive Care Unit • 100%
Surgery (Including outpatient surgery)• 100%
Emergency Room• 100%
Hospital Accommodation for Companion of Hospitalized Child under 18• $500 per day, up to 20 nights
Surgeon and Anesthetist Fees• 100%
Major Diagnostic Services• 100%
Cancer Treatment• 100%
Dialysis • 100%
Maternity (Available in deductibles $500/$1000, $1000/$2000 and $2000/$3000)• 100% for normal delivery within the Maternity Hospital Network(*), including up to $7,000 for pre- and post-natal care
• Up to $7,000 for normal delivery outside the Maternity Hospital Network(*), including pre- and post-natal care
• Up to $10,000 for elective cesarean delivery at any hospital
• No deductible applies
• 10-month Waiting Period
Stem Cells (Available in deductibles $500/$1000, $1000/$2000 and $2000/$3000)• $2,000 per covered pregnancy for extraction and preservation of stem cells
• No deductible applies
• 10-month Waiting Period
Complications of Maternity and Birth (Available in deductibles $500/$1000, $1000/$2000 and $2000/$3000)• $1,000,000 lifetime per Policy
• No deductible applies
• 10-month Waiting Period
Inclusion of Newborn• Automatic without underwriting if born from a Covered Maternity
Routine Health Checkups for Minor Children• Before 12 months of age: up to $300 per visit
• From 12 months of age and until the age of 18: one annual checkup, up to $100
• No deductible applies
Congenital and or Hereditary Disorders• 100%
Organ and Tissue Transplants• $3,000,000 per organ or tissue, lifetime per Insured, after Deductible, including $50,000 for living donor
Outpatient Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation and Home Health Care (Private Nurse) • 100%
Surgical treatment for symptomatic disorders of the feet• 100%
Emergency Dental Coverage • 100%
Physician and Specialist Visits• 100%
Reconstructive Surgery in case of Illness
or Accident
• 100%
Prophylactic surgery for reduction in cancer risk• $35,000 per Insured, per lifetime after Deductible
• 12-month Waiting Period
Bariatric Surgery, gastric bypass and any type of surgical procedure for loss of weight, its complications or treatments • $15,000 per Insured, per lifetime after Deductible
• 24-month Waiting Period
Durable Medical Equipment, Special Devices (External prosthesis, Orthotic devices) • 100%
Surgical Implants or Prosthesis
(Excluded dental)
• 100%
Prescribed Medications• 100%
Treatment of Allergies• 100%
Congenital and Hereditary Disorders (≥18 years old)• 100%
HIV/AIDS• $1,000,000 per Insured, per lifetime
• 24-month Waiting Period
Palliative/Hospice Care• 100%, per Insured
Preventive Care (Available in deductibles $500/$1000, $1000/$2000, $2000/$3000 and $5000/$5000)• Colon cancer screening (50 years or older): $1,200 per insured every ten years
• Mammogram (from 40 years or older): $400 per insured per policy year
• Pap Smear (Papanicolaou) (21 to 65 years old): $150 per insured every three years
• Prostate cancer screening (50 years or older): $300 per insured per policy year
• No deductible applies
• No waiting period
Emergency Transportation
Air Ambulance • 100% to the closest hospital of qualified treatment
• No deductible applies
• Coverage of the cost of a return air ticket up to $2,000 after deductible
Ground Ambulance• 100% to the closest hospital of qualified treatment
• No deductible applies
100% to the closest hospital of qualified treatment
No deductible applies
• For deductibles $500/$1000, $1000/$2000, $2000/$3000 and $5000/$5000: $750 per insured, per policy year
• For deductibles $10000/$10000 and $20000/$20000: $500 per insured, per policy year
• No deductible applies
• No waiting period
Specialized Treatments (Psychiatry, occuppational therapies, sleep apnea and any other sleep disorder)• $10,000 per Insured, per Policy Year after deductible
Autism• 100% Dependents born from a Covered Maternity
• $10,000 after Deductible for Dependents not born from a Covered Maternity who develop the condition while covered by the Policy
Repatriation of Mortal Remains or Cremation Services• 100% per Insured in the event of death resulting from a Covered Accident or condition
Illness or Injury in Private Aircraft• 100%
Coverage for accidents that occurred during the practice of sports professionally or high risk activities• 100%
Temporary Emergency coverage while application is evaluated• $30,000
Coverage Alzheimer disease• 100%
Alternative and/or Complementary Treatment (Acupuncture, Hypnosis, Massage Therapy, and Reflexology)• $200 per insured, per policy year
• No deductible applies
Additional Benefits• In the event of death of the Primary Insured, his/her Insured Dependents will have free coverage for two years after the last paid period.
• In case of serious accident, as defined in this Policy, deductible will be waived for the first Medically Necessary Hospitalization, following said Serious Accident. Any subsequent treatment will incur the Deductible.
• Deductible will be waived up to a $5,000 maximum in case of an Accident or Emergency that occurs while the Insured is travelling outside of his/her country of residence.
• The Insurer will reimburse up to a maximum of $2,000 for the cost of a ticket in economy class to travel from the country of residence to one of the providers included in the Centers of Excellence Network in Latin America, previously approved by the Insurer.
Unique ServicesInterConsultation™
Confirmation of diagnosis and recommendation of the best treatment and specialists. Immediate access to this benefit available regardless of any exclusion applicable under this Policy.
Best Doctors Concierge™
Coordination of medical appointments, hospital admission, travel arrangements, accommodation and transportation when services are rendered outside of the Insured’s Country of Residence.
Elite Navigator™
Your personal physician advocate will help you understand your diagnostic tests, medical checkup results, and will provide support to empower you to have more effective conversations with your own treating physician.
Individual Case Management
A program to coordinate, supervise and manage complex cases of long duration.
Things You Should Know• Unless otherwise stated, the benefits are on a per Insured, per Policy Year basis in which the chosen Deductible applies.  All benefits are in US Dollars (USD).
• Cumulative Deductible per Insured, per Policy Year. Maximum two Deductibles per family per Policy Year.
• In the case of a serious Accident, No deductible will apply for the first Hospitalization.
• Costs are subject to being usual, customary and reasonable.
Additional Coverage Available (Rider)
Eligibility: Age 3–59, renewable
cover up to age 65
• Cash payment to cover immediate or unexpected expenses, existing debts and lifestyle changes you might need to make if faced with a critical illness
• Covered conditions and surgeries: Cancer, stroke, heart attack, (myocardial infarction), coronary artery by-pass surgery, kidney/renal failure, multiple sclerosis, benign brain tumor, paralysis (paraplegia), organ transplant (kidney, heart, lung, liver, pancreas or bone marrow), blindness, deafness